- Natural course and management risks of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms UCAS Japan Interim report
- Cerebral aneurysms treated in Japan
- Evidence level: Oxford Center for EBM
- Evidence
- Natural course of UCA
- Current status
- Goals
- UCAS Japan basic principle
- Method
- Inclusion criteria
- Diagnostic criteria
- Follow-up protocol
- End of the study
- Interim report
- Regional Entryiper 100,000populationj
- UCAS Japan registry status
- Aneurysms with any follow-up and m-Rankin scale at presentation 0,1
- Reason for imaging
- Location of Aneurysm
- Size of aneurysm
- Initial management plan
- Cohort
- Management : Cases with Rankin=0,1
- Future
- Limitation of this study
- UCAS II : Objectives Prospective QOL and Cost-effectiveness analysis on UCAs
- Study centers
- UCAS II Registered cases: Nov. 2007
- Conclusions